Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s rolling dice and just calling those people scum honestly
insane luck

…And now I keep confusing the two of you even though your pfps are pretty different.

If it was one game, then maybe, but we’ve had two games…

Maybe luck really is inversely proportional to intelligence?


who wants to hear of that one time where i won day 2 as unseen



so i was noble
then i was aristocrat
and then what the fuck literally every non-unseen in the game is dead and i don’t know what’s going on

like, day 2
13 deaths
nobody had any clue what the hell happened

On the other hand, he had an excellent TMI argument in final 3…

The TMI argument was some fairly high-level thinking, which doesn’t match his regular play on the surface level.

we always talk about how the world doesn’t revolve around us

it’s because it revolves around dybudabu
he’s the main character
he has the plot armor


Ans what was the most exciting game for u to either spectate or backread thus far that I either hosted or played in?

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An anime about mafia wouldn’t be so bad. I think it should be about real-life mafia, though. Wouldn’t be interesting otherwise.

Ritual, this is a nobrainer.
I’ve explained why numerous times as well.

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What about your favorite game to backread that I actually played in?

We haven’t had such a scum curbstomp in a while, tbh.

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Town literally did absolutely nothing. Wolves were towncored and decided everything. Everything went as they desired, including a mislynch on the towniest slot in the game on day 2.

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