Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The funny thing is, I don’t remember if you were present in the games I’ve actually backread.
Most of them were really really old ones from ~2017.


Time for another one!

Rand me scum in BfA2 And all the wolves will be towncored for insta-bussing me.

I just missed chloe

sad sulit noises

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I didn’t join the forum for the first time until February 1st, 2019
So Rip

you know
for someone named Italy i’m surprisingly bad at mafia


But Vulgard.
What if Italy is the Lamb.


italy isnt good enough to make that play
italy isnt good enough to make that play
italy isnt good enough to make that play

wait what if he is though

oh shit ritual kyo


wait that was a while ago

you know
for someone named sulit I’m surprisingly bad at mafia

I am still upset no one noticed it.

“italy isn’t that good” is the worst argument you can ever make
because you will be proven wrong
i improve at an alarming rate

You know,
for someone named The Mentalist, I’m surprisingly bad at deducing stuff.

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I noticed I just didn’t say anything and then went to sleep

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You know
For someone named Sulit you are sufficiently adorable


For someone named Vulgard, I’m not very Vulgar.

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i have godlike mechanical plays
but i lack any and all social skills

What is this even supposed to mean?

I like that you actually tried to be more confident in your last game and made the right choice.
Your reads are good.

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for someone named katze i am a cat