Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Does the fact you don’t play the game on day 1 relate to your lack of social skills at all?


Character development.



Redemption arc?

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Isn’t this like a DLC class in one of the newer fire emblems
I forgot
Time to summon the experts

i’m that one person at a party who just avoids everyone

just don’t go to parties

I’m currently at Fire Emblem.

The End is approaching.

Or rather, I’m approaching The End.

Vulgard, what was Throne of Salem?

…Throne of Salem?

You were a BD king of some sort

I think it was an IC.

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My first post shouldn’t be that hard to find.

Whoever qoutes it first gets a :cupcake:.

Oh my god I was such blatant aggressive town in that game.
My playstyle has really changed, hasn’t it.

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Damn, another half-forgotten name.
It’s been a while.


my first post would probably be kind of hard to find

who was even in my first game

I think we’re all waiting for Pug to return and reclaim his forgotten throne.

It’s rather bizarre to know that I remember all these people from 2017, even though I’ve never interacted with them.
Approaching them would be pretty weird.

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