Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

But if u have reg u dont need to meet the reqs anymore to stay

Like I and orange said
yes you can lose trust level 3 if you don’t meet the reqs
(unless your status was given by a mod)

I think mine was for setup purposes?
I was given both vet and reg on my first day on this account

I doubt i’ve been meeting TL3 requirements consistently but i’ve never been without those powers so far on this acc.

I’m p sure if it’s manually granted it’s permanent?

Not 100% tho

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Bert is short for bertrude

Nice read. Just one tiny problem with it. Inspecting your post, it looks like your read is different from mine. Boy, let me tell you something.

I am the baseline for opinions, any opinion I hold is objectively correct and, as a result, any other opinion is wrong. And guess what? You happen to hold a wrong one. And I hope you know that your read is now illegal. I have now contacted the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Navy SEALs, the Secret Service and your mom. You’ll rot in prison for the rest of your life over this, mark my words you’ll be sorry you ever shared your read. By the time you’re reading this, you’re done for boy. Nature will punish you. Humanity will punish you. Supernatural beings will punish you. Space will punish you. Oh yeah, and we decided that just to make sure we’ll nuke your house from orbit so there’s no chance you can run away and everyone you know will die. It’s a small price to pay for getting rid of bad mafia players. May this post be a warning for anyone else brave enough to share an incorrect read; you’ve been warned.

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remember when I was complaining about giant worm


glares at giant skeleton

suddenly i want to try fire emblem
which game should i start on


I don’t even want to think about that

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Sacred Stones

(I was thinking FE7 personally because no grinding but they’d probably want to pick up a complete save)

Does anyone know how to fix a flickering light


cant flicker if it’s been shot 19 times

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this is indeed how we do it in texas

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