Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

can you just send them to me or something


@Vulgard hello english major, help

have you seen a series of unfortunate events

Yes imma dm you them on discord
Posting links to roms publicly on this forum isn’t allowed.

pretty sure both work but less sounds better

This thing is going to be #1 on netflix for at least the next month straight lol @Chloe

I heard the movies are trash

@N.1 do you mind sending me the rom you sent Leafia? I hella wanna check out FE4 now

You guys have turned everyone into FE fans

they made movies?

Sure chloe. I’ll send you the FE5 rom too

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Isn’t it a movie?

thank you! (:

Want me to dm you the english patches i linked in-thread as well

they’re episodes not movies
(despite their length)
and they’re good


it’s countable

That would be amazing! Thanks dude

thank you aroot

1 Like


well then

I was under the impression they weren’t

i was 99% sure i was right but i doubt myself a lot

they’re around an hour long each
but they don’t qualify as movies