Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

if you can count it it’s ‘fewer’

if you can’t count it it’s ‘less’

a sandbox has less sand than a beach, but fewer grains of sand

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3 houses or echoes. Easiest to come across.and both are top quality.

There was a movie adaptation in 2004 lul

chloe has less intelligence than arete, and fewer braincells

got it

oh i remember that
the movie was bad

the show is way better than the movie by far

but now we talk about less and lower :^)

they also made books but imagine reading


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the movie attempted to cram several hours of story into a much smaller timeframe

if ur computer is stronk enough fe 9 and 10 are great as well for emulating. Fe 13 and 14 are easy to come across but get shit on as a lot of people see them as shipping simulators and being super easy. FE 4 and 5 are the hardest in the series but are really solid

bro i think i might re-read The Inheritance Cycle

god those were great books

my computer is a beast
but i’m mostly just looking for fun ones that are neither easy nor hard

let me write u a list

FE12 Lunatic Reverse is the hardest experience in the series.

waits patiently for the dm

FE7 has the most average difficulty I’d say
Depthful characters and good to learn how to play with Lyn mode in the first ten chapters.

Sending asap dw

do i get to feel good about myself if all my characters survive


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