Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

isnt the weather there not nearly as hot

It’s not as hot for you but it’s hell for me.
Also last night a crane fly somehow got into my room right while I was in the middle of typing a wallpost because I forgot to close the doors.
It was not a fun experience.


There’s not a ton of bugs here

Just small annoy ones

Clearly, Jan = Jane :eyes:

i suppose thats fair

im used to the 100000000 degrees 50000000% humidity

I’m still puzzled how you survive in such climate.
Give me my -15C, the perfect temperature.

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Hi Ans! o/

Hello Vulgard.

here I am thinking 75 degrees is really hot out

I have a flynet or whatever it’s called in english so


75 is pretty cold

Apparently it’s called a “fly window”.

Not sure if I trust GT on this though.

I think fly screen is a more fitting word?

if i opened my window i’d probably also have one

Over 30°C I dont wanna work
Over 40°C I wanna have at least some ways to cool off
Over 50°C I’d accept using an airconditioner :wink:

(Thats 86 F, 104 F and 122 F )

Clearly the solution is to keep the windows closed.


this is why i use linux now

i unfortunately do not use linux thats too much work

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I wanted to dual boot with Linux but each time I installed updates it broke so


Relatable. If I wasn’t as lazy as I am I’d probably just run with Arch.