there is only one video game in the world and its fortnite
We won’t talk about why they still consider Fortnite as the top competitor in video game market for 2020.
can I disown you
i was making fun of the image but ok
You are an ass hat.
What do you know? You’re a cat.
It doesn’t beat #10 so nah
But it was not good
I guess, your answer always depends on how much you want to answer the other person, and how much you respect them.
If you don’t respect the other person, and you don’t care for the topic, you just go for ad hominem/responding to tone
If you respect them or care for the topic, you go for contradiction/counterargument
If you respect them AND care for the topic, you go for refutation
Best is of course to combine the different arguments.
epic games really is tapering off quickly, but there’s so much residual anti-fortnite hate that reddit will not shut up about them for looks at sundial at least 5 more years
uh kyo
i think you missed a step on that diagram
the lowest of the low
sweats nervously
in this case i’m not meming on u
but instead on some1 who called the scumteam morally disgusting for quickhammering in Rm4
i was on the scumteam but dead so
im mister morals