Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yah but i’m in the us and here it’s just marketing so that americans c o n s o o m

‘Toxic to human life; do not consume’
Chloe: It’s not gluten free


im pretty sure i live in like
the organic capital of the world

everyone is vegan and organic and blahblahblah
and i like borgars



the two are mutually exclusive now
are you trying to imply that you hope scottlan will secede and re-join the eu

it aint gluten free bro

im all in

uhhh I live in atx

which might have you beat

I probably live in the overrated restaurant dine-in capital of the world

yeah maybe

all i know is that we’re called the “farm-to-fork capital”

dumb name
i miss “city of trees”

Scotland voted to remain in the EU
Wales + England forced us out, but we’re not getting a vote for independance so we can’t rejoin the EU until that happens and only if that’s voted ‘Yes’ which it was voted ‘No’ last time in 2016

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we are full of vegans and people who are crazy about health and shit and all of this dumbass millennial shit

I also like borgar

but then there will also be like “kale smoothie mixed in with all-natural™ dirt” stores fucking everywhere

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ah yes

texan portland

that is exactly it

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marshal have you ever had a michelin starred meal

It’s funny
SNP, Scottish National Party, are getting like 90% of the votes in Scotland and their main goal is independance
They delivered the independance referrendum and the vote failed

the one cool thing to come out of that millenial shit is cat cafes

it’s a restaurant but… with cats

but then there’s a bunch of hipster shit

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I don’t think so lul

cat cafes are a scam and a front for animal cruelty
watch this


trust me i’ve seen that video

that lady is crazy but they are not all like that