Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


i think im the only person my age who lives here and doesnt have a kombucha problem

farmer: selectively breeds their crops by using seeds from crops with more desirable traits

someone: ‘wtf why are you trying to MODIFY the GENETICS of these crops???’

(this is a joke)



That is artificial selection


i learned that in 9th grade biology so I am an expert

burn it



I see Marshal replying and I feel like I’m about to get yelled at

even as a joke this is crude
GMO isn’t selectively breeding
it’s introducing innovative chemicals to make crops grow at an unnatural rate

these same people own dogs who were bred via artificial selection


why does it matter if the rate they’re growing at is natural

‘natural’ is not synonymous with ‘good’ and ‘unnatural’ is not synonymous with ‘bad’

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and that’s bad because…?

because these chemicals are probably bad 4 u



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that is, to put it nicely, dumb as fuck

science has proven that those chemicals are not, in fact, bad

Karens on fucking facebook say that it is

You people are over here arguing about chemicals being used on crops
And I’m over here in fantasy land like
“I can’t wait to have a mansion with my own farmers growing their own crops for me and my chefs making homemade courses”

like it’s literally just marketing that has made you think “chemicals bad GMO bad GMO-free good”

if you are willing to shell out extra money to feel better about not ingesting safe chemicals then by all means feel free

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but I will continue to stuff GMO foods down my gullet and not get brain damage from the GMOs and 5G towers

My mansion will have all natural crops as we can spare the time to grow them to a high standard
Our chefs will only use ingredients sourced from my workforce
My maids will deliver the food to me
We will house our own cattle for high quality milk
We will churn our own butter

I love my fantasy land

unfortunately im more limited than u cuz i must keep kosher

see that I didn’t consider

that’s fair

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