Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I personally would prefer to eat completely natural food as well if I have the opportunity to do so.
It helps our local farmers.
This is like millionaires taking NHS money and getting free healthcare when they can afford private.
Like, wtf. Go private to save the NHS money and let people who can’t afford healthcare to get it on the NHS.

also they steal hundreds of millions of tax dollars every year

that doesn’t make the article any less likely to be valid

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harvard didnt write the article

Dr Megan Norris did

“Megan Norris, PhD earned her degree in Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Psychology from The Ohio State University. She completed her post-doctoral work at the University of Rochester Medical Center, where she also completed a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disorders (LEND) experience. Dr. Norris’ clinical and research interests include psychopathology in those with IDD, community outreach/consultation, and psychometrics of assessment instruments.”

eh maybe not that bad then

Just generally if you’re able to afford natural food and don’t have a requirement like vitamin deficiency or need for extra vitamins that they claim to give you then you should be buying natural to support local farmers.


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p sure that isnt the same Megan Norris

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you realize that ‘how good is their mechanical engineering department’ is not a criterion likely to be useful in evaluating the reliability of their information on things that are not mechanical engineering

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could be wrong

Regardless, i have the right to loathe and doubt all of their work for eternity because of this form of prejudice

Harvard still would not likely publish the article if it was faulty

it’s not “some big conspiracy” meant to like fucking eat our children

I dislike anti-GMO sentiment because it’s very similar to the anti-vax movement but it has somehow become mainstream and made it’s way into a lot of modern culture which is just… bad.


I searched up Megan Norris and apparently she’s a crime journalist
She’s someone my gran would like

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It’s much less controversial than anti-vax is probably why

here is the author

Also it’s a part of liberalism instead of conservatism

I should get some of her books
She looks like a smart woman

Which MSM is a fan of

…I mean, it’s not like I can stop you from knowingly and deliberately doing things that will make your factual beliefs about reality systematically less accurate?