Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Imagine being picky with the labels on your food

This post made by “I only eat like 4 types of food anyway” gang

okay so
devils advocate chloe time

while GMOs are not proven to have negative affects on your health, they have directly lead to an increase in superpests/weeds, which are nearly impossible to exterminate on a large (corporate) scale without strong toxic pest/herbicides, as the resistance to these increases

also the rise in GMO popularity fucks over small family farmers, but so does everything

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That’s why they’re small families

Cause they’re not big

Fuck them

to be nerd, this is an arete

GMOs are bad for the economy


that’s not my concern when buying food



the human cost due to people blocking distribution of golden rice (rice that’s been genetically modified to have a higher level of Vitamin A) in the developing world over fears of GMOs is estimated in the approximate range of millions of lives

personally I think killing millions of people is bad, actually

I take the survival of small family businesses very highly.
Also why I believe cannabis should be legalised so small family businesses can profit.

admittedly my personal moral value of a life is probably much lower than yours
large-scale change always requires sacrifices

That’s kinda controversial

Also I’m going back to sleep ily all


i’m not sure “millions of human lives” is a worthy sacrifice for “not wanting to have same chemicals in foods because chemicals”

Kosher I can understand, but like I still don’t think that’s enough of a reason for that


i also have a hard time believing whatever article that information is coming from

okay so my family sucks at being Jewish and I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure that ‘because kosher’ only applies to … Jewish people

and not to arguments over what food aid organizations should be allowed to distribute to Gentiles is clearly fake news

like whoever would actively decide “hey, let’s not give millions of starving people these thousands of tons of perfectly good food we have and aren’t using for anything else so we dont give them GMO’s” must be unfathomably stupid

I also loathe the guardian as a publication

…and yet it’s people like you who argue against that very rice

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Pretty sure N.1 isn’t arguing against the distribution of GMO or encouraging others to not eat it.
They’re just stating their opinion that they don’t like them.

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this isn’t a guardian article

it’s from fucking harvard’s website

despotic shills for new labour

well i also hate harvard
b/c their engineering sucks