Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

im in awe

I now love that image even more

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I have decided to pickup chess again
Of course, I go onto this website and realise I don’t have an account
So what am I going to do?
Rob the account that person tried to slander me for being a supposed furry.
Add me @Bottom_RightFurry on Lichess

play me right now :stuck_out_tongue:

invited :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t play chess fyi

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in case anyone wants to watch us be stupid

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watched game

some1 play me @Marshalllll

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haven’t played chess in forever

but would be down

Sure. I haven’t played in a while either.

I haven’t played it in years apart from that game with cheese, I’ll play you

I beat Marshal to it.

I have no idea what I’m doing, mind you.

gonna go to sleep :sleeping:

might still play in bed tho

i hear a wild katze taking that out of context



@Marshal post link so i can watch :stuck_out_tongue:

im not in the game I got beat

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but kyo posted it a little farther up

i will kick anyone’s ass at chess