Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh now my cat is going to help me

great, I love it when she eats the puzzle pieces



I would probably be flailing around because usually I just react to whatever my opponent does.

i just did like, an optimal opening, and his defense let me get a ton of control for free

and then the one time he had a good play he made the wrong one

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the thing is
you have to surrender pieces to break my defense
quite a few of them

not many people are happy when it comes to the idea of surrendering pieces

but every piece i took gave me more reward than loss

every single one favored me

a lot of people would rather look for a hole in the defense than be forced to surrender pieces just to break through
but if i do it right, there’s no holes in my defense
gotta make sacrifices

most people would just snipe one of my rooks
you have no idea how long it took me to create a counter to that

aaa i dont wanna learn a game rn

theres always holes

you’re giving up a lot of control

hole as in
you can’t get past it without giving up pieces for every move you spend trying to break through

It’s only a 5 minute basic tutorial.

at a glance this game seems breakable

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White is the one with the advantage

What do you mean by that?

i can already see multiple strategies that have only 1 counter


It’s been around for a long time and there isn’t one strategy that dominates.

actually this has 2 counters

but depending on how i do it there’s only 1 consistent counter

and it looks identical from glance

i don’t really feel like thinking too hard on how to make this even stronger

but i think theoretically i can force a defensive strategy that you can only beat if you play perfectly

Press X to doubt.

i might be missing something

but i dont think i am

in a 40 piece game tho this prob wouldnt work so /shrug