As it turns out, trying to toss words with the best of them with no prior experience causes you to trip and crack the back
insults are best as a slow burn
rapid fire insults are easy to ignore
realizing that someone has been constantly subtly insulting you for months makes you feel way more insignificant and it might not be easy to spot right away, and then you will look back and realize you were a fool
It was a test of their reaction, of sorts
I was trying to break out of the funk of saying the same 5 or so things in response to every situation I find myself in
Told them what was up afterward
Never quite understood what caused that thought line to appear out of thin air
one of my close friends in high school is proudly posting on social media detailing their involvement in lighting Minneapolis on fire
(a) is a really dumb thing to talk about on social media
(b) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
this is indeed a thing…
sometimes, I go out and just decide to burn a city
symbolic value
I just found this
It’s not really NSFW, but the title of it
this is indeed a gamer moment
i’ve never played persona 5
is it worth playing
i looked up persona 1 and it felt like a weird game
1 was reportedly average
2 is supposed to be good but pretty hard to find in a convenient manner in english
3 through 5 are literally all top-tier contenders for the best video games ever made
3 is my favorite game ever
4 and 5 are also top 10 for sure if not top 5
So yes
Very worth playing