Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I have dog, and I’m not a pet person in general

we can’t have italy as a cat until i figure out a way to wrap an “i can’t believe it’s not butter” label around my cat

Animals are overrated, there, I said it.
I guess I’m going to be murdered now.

More because I’m irresponsible than anything else

Finally, someone else understands :eyes:

Be a pet person in off-topic then

But We are all animals

you will be murdered meow

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The point still stands Emilia :^)

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Tho I agree animals=bad

i’ll hurt u

Hurt me Marshal-chan

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Alright we’ve gone too far.

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not if you are gonna enjoy it

Your cat is still adorable, especially the name

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I wonder if this is where I post that thing SDA said.

is my cat adorable

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You have 3.