Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

are they all cute

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Sensei best

Put my foot in my mouth didn’t I
My dog’s often more trouble than good since they track all the spoils of the backyard into the house
And given I generally don’t want around in shoes in my house just to expressly avoid some random leaves and the occasional bur is more hassle than its worth

cats are walking cuteness and snuggle machines

Every cat I’ve been near in real life has been explicitly described to me as ‘something you rather would not want to put your hand near for any reason whatsoever’

that’s poor ownership IMO or the cat has issues

I have a shy cat but he still enjoys being pet and is ok with strangers.
Other one will actively seek out pets from anyone he sees

The cats I know only get bitey when it’s like love-bites

Why has it happened 5 times

dude the past few days ive waken up with him next to my head just purring

and its been amazing

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maybe just bad luck

but if you have a healthy cat and give them proper care and love they should be walking cuteness + cuddle machines

That sounds like heaven tbh

I hope you have a queen bed at least

Piper loves to push me to the edge

queen bed for queen katze

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Twin bed for smol chlo

loft bed for Arete, who is apparently a bird


that was funnier in my head

That came out cute.

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is that because arete said it

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Ans you think this no matter what arete says

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i have queen bed

sometimes i’ll wake up to a cat
but that’s usually when i sleep in


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