Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Mage > Warlock > Priest are the best classes.
Fight me.

hitting 102 next week D:

rogue swings between overpowered and just okay
it’s in a “just okay” stage right now

i shit you not this combo is insanely consistent because of all the card draw warlock has in wild

Over 100 just sounds like hell

Its going from 103 to 75 in the span of 4 days



it’s been 90~ most days the past few weeks but never much higher

that’s like
a lot of cards

mechathun, dorian, kael, cata, plot twist + 1 other spell + empty deck


even card (1 cost hp = faster draw), mechathun, 2x galvanizer (easier to play + minions that dont stay in hand), emperor (godly), cata

one is clearly better

it can consistently fire on turn 6

consistent my ass

this may or may not reflect the fact that I don’t have enough dust for hemet

it’s 79 now and is going to 102 in 6 days

i mean 8 shit
but Warlock has far too much draw in wild and it’s easy to hemet your deck away once you have a plot twist in hand, and then all the other combo pieces cost more than 3 so you just need to draw up your deck, which is not hard for a Warlock to do

Mage is super weak in Standard, though.

but during those few turns you are setting up your combo
you’re left vulnerable
and playing reno actually wastes time in that combo

whereas for even mechathun you just win once you have your deck empty
and reno triggers once you are down to like 5 cards



game is not bad
blizzard bad

i never said it was overpowered but it’s more competetive than even mech’athun, because it’s harder to disrupt

From what I see it’s weak on low ranks and does fine in legend, but it’s still not great.
Druid seems to be the most consistent if you go for my preferred playstyle (which is control), because you have so many tools.
But I don’t want to play Druid. Although Quest Warlock seems to be okayish too.

if even one of your galvanisers gets Dirty Rat’d then you’re almost doomed

both bad