Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Now that’s a name that I haven’t heard in a while.

i mean it still has the Voidcaller into Voidlord combo, this is a warlock deck in wild we’re talking about

how are you going to disrupt my combo lmao

also if combo gets disrupted I can always mountain giant
because I already have a nearly full hand almost every turn thanks to 1 cost hp
as previously noted, I’ve won more games bashing face with mechathun :^)

again, dirty rat a galvaniser and you need more thaurissan ticks

and emperor thaurissan is so good that it almost never lives a turn on the board

i’m not an expert on this but the Dorian + Plot Twist combo is disgustingly reliable

is this when i say “make a thread” or hide for an hour cause youll never talk about this again


attrition decks have a way of leaving tharussians on board :^)

if you go against aggro then they’re most likely out of steam by the time I play emperor

and if i go 2nd I almost always win from turn 3 mountain giant

right but the expensive version of mecha’thunlock consistently gets the combo in play by turn 8

Is this where MtG thread gets renamed to TCG/CCG thread.

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because Hemet is just that efficient at burning your deck and getting the combo in hand
i do not know why people run Reno in those decks, though
it seems very counterproductive

What’s the point of making a thread if the cookie thread is for this

my combo mainly relies on attrition so it makes sense why mine runs reno

ill try that combo once I get get my hands on 3200 dust

yes just casually get your hands on 3200 dust

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what are you an expert on then :^)

if you say res priest ima kill you

i mean theyre the same game why not

i played res priest before it was cool (read: before it became disgustingly overpowered)

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but no i’m not a res priest expert
i disenchanted my Zerek’s Cloning Gallery out of disgust

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i mean

the cookie thread is a general anything goes thread

but if a select group of people are going to take about a topic a lot making another thread for that specifically is better for everybody?

hence why theres a terraria thread and a smash one that nobody uses anymore


yes thank you

turn 9 auto quest complete