Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

who the fuck thought printing sandhoof waterbearer and khartut defender in the same expansion as a heal quest was a good idea


who the fuck thought printing khartut defender was a good idea

like the only priest deck i’m going to play in wild is Togwaggle Priest, because Can’t Be Accused Of Being A Toxic Priest Player If You Aren’t Actually Playing Priest

wait this is an actual thing?

yeah, a guy got to top 10 legend with it

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Conversations like these are generally never or very rarely reoccuring
This would only be a problem with a large amount of members in the community

hence why i said “or wait for an hour because itll never happen again”


It’s fine Kat-chan, you can wait with me :^)

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you play a fast Quest Priest until you get an Amara, Warden of Hope in hand, empty your deck with either huge card draw or hemet while controlling the board with your Obligatory Psychic Screams, then you Togwaggle once your deck is nearly or fully empty

if your opponent tries to swap back you play Murozond to copy the Ransom and reverse the swap

then you win the game using their cards while they have none

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I want Tyrande :angry:

it’s reliable because obviously Priest is reliable
have you seen how good Priest’s board clears are?

imagine not having all free heroes

we had 2 very warm days in a row… on 80

80 degrees?

dang that’s insane

“9 mana fuck up your opponents plans”
“7 mana fuck up your opponents plans even more”
“7 mana take control of your opponents board”
“8 mana wipe board + get a machine gun”
“6 mana board clear” x2
“5 mana board clear”
“4 mana fuck up zoo”
“4 mana fuck up tempo”

seems fair

Oh my god

its not a valve product why would it be vac


remember when we all made fun of Priest for being the worst class in the game after Purify
that was fun

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i got vac banned in minecraft :weary: