Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Yea I see ^^

Depends if you’re a PR or not.

I think I should’ve posted my points about hyperposting in the town improvement thread and not here.

I’ll just fwd em to kat

I’m not strictly referring to kat here. It’s general advice.

look, basically it’s fine to die as a villager, but you should never offer to die to out somebody as a wolf
you know that you are a villager
if everybody wants you dead, try as hard as possible to not die

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it was joke aa

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Okay, but it’s also boring.

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side note: why the fuck do people still make preflip bets???

fixed it :wink:

who’s dybudabu

caught scum



“okay ici you can mislynch me but if i die you have to be mislynched”

about 50% of the people i call wolves do this bullshit regardless of allignment

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That’s because they think your push is in bad faith

no they don’t
trust me

they always think i’m a villager but somehow they want me to risk my life on their flip which is ???

Based on the wagon analysis on Lollipopz, I’d be looking at the last few voters on the wagon.
That could be scum trying to quick hammer a town.
Exile, Evaaa and Carlos are the one’s I’d take a closer look at.

creating false social thunderdomes is frustrating
but there are reasons why these are happening