Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I talk about real Guilt. Guilt which kills the attacker

yeah that’s a terrible idea

how many times do we have to explain that it’s horribly swingy and is not as fun as guiltless vigges before you get it?

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yea we usually don’t have that in tol
i guess we kinda have it now in fol, with the mm changes

sorry, that was a bit rude, but I just don’t get what your point is or what you’re trying to acheive

That’s basically desperado, which is a different role.


Invokers, Servants, Alcoholics.

they are not very common (Invokers more, but Servants and Alcoholics less)
Also Knights in tol rarely tell that they go to CS someone

Guilt killing the attacker is dumb because you shouldn’t be punished for killing players in PoE. You are making the game easier for the villagers to solve by doing that.


like i only use mechanical incentives in complicated closed setups where I want to trick somebody into doing something highly specific because i’ve created an interesting scenario if a certain event happens

Ritualists, Sages. Like this already is half the Random Cultists.

outside of that mechanical incentives on the lines of guilt shouldn’t be used, especially in open or semi-open setups

mafia is not just about killing wolves but it’s also about making sure that the wrong villagers don’t die at the wrong time

on the other hand, the bullshit thing that happens where you have mechanical incentives to lynch the wolves in a certain order beyond “KP goes first” is… not good


obviously one of the most intresting dynamics in large mashes is reading people who you have nailed as wolves to try and read them for KP
but i mean

I am against no-guilt town killers for the same reasons why I am for no-lynches
I see it as the funnier game if town doesn’t mindlessly kills other town. In the ideal game in my head, town would heavily be discouraged to ever kill town.
Ik thats not compatible with FM, but that’s why I have these thoughts

that’s only possible in large mashes because of the high number of possible places the KP could be, which makes it not just a crapshoot

nolynches are just stalling
how the fuck is that fun

good thing that lynching wolfy players isn’t mindless even if you happen to be wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

you get almost no information and hand initiative to the wolves, and even if it’s the best move it always feels awful

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