Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Are you sure you aren’t related to M Plus 7?


during my first game I kept getting that notification that you had 20% of posts in thread and to let others post

Btw I no-actioned almost every night in my first game as Warden
Because I didn’t want to screw up any investigates
Unless in the last night, where I used that overkill debuff on the NK

fol28 katze

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fol29 katze

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I’d say that i’ve never hyperposted as town

but i was 3rd poster in Virtuous II :upside_down_face:


fol30 katze


What made you do this.

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ah yes, the extreme power of non Actuary HoB investigations

I tease, but I feel like I’d panic as Warden not knowing what to do

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M Plus 7 is a player on Syndicate / MU who’s known for being a highposter. Like, take MU, where people who post ~100+ times during a day phase are considered highposters. M Plus 7 posts 300 times per day phase on average, up to 500 times.

Keep in mind this is MU. They don’t post as much in there as we post here. Now take “highposting” here as ~300 posts per day phase. Proportionally, M Plus 7 would have 900 per day phase, on average.

Which is why I’m asking if you’re related to him.

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I was not a hyperposter in my first games
I started to hyperposting, when I rolled scum for the first time (and in my scum games afterwards as well)

he sounds like a cool guy

maybe we’re long lost siblings

I know it doesn’t work that way, but still. The way it translates is pretty scary.

Iirc he was in Champs finals in season 5. Or was it 4? 6? I can’t remember.

I just remember that our Neut King tried to trick me into wasting my overkill debuff on some town :joy: I sheeped him somewhat most of the game, but I was sceptical enough to not do that

i can probably outpost him tbh

does he meme or are his posts actually content

I feel like if I was Warden I’d somehow end up Divest and Removaling the Arbiter

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peak town!chloe lol