Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

imagine that being your first FM game

false redcheck into neutral fruit vendor

katze you’ve come quite far since your first game here

Imagine not replacing out of your first fk game because of life





i still consider myself a pretty mediocre player in a lot of regards

but i also consider myself surprisingly good at others

good song btw

Oh shut up youre good

Youre hard to read unless i’m in the game
And thats good

i havent heard this song in too many years

Oh god throwback

this is very much so a double edged sword

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wow same
i’m still floored so many people voted for me to go to champs

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hey i correctly v read you in jk9

because i played that game very differently than i normally play

You dont have to be the world’s best player to be considered good

You are far above average

Dislike Dealing With Data – Mediators are often so focused on the big picture that they forget the forest is made of individual trees. Mediators are in tune with emotions and morality, and when the facts and data contradict their ideals, it can be a real challenge for them.”

lmao literally me in the last fol where i insisted alice was v despite my mech info
my personality bleeds into my fm games


it’s a 1 to 1 practical analogy it’s so funny

facts and data contradicted my ideal