Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i find it amusing how the two personalities i get in that test kind of contradict eachother

drunk and sober kat eh?

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no, drunk kat is a very sad existence

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you know that kinda makes sense though right
it would explain why you’re hard to read
you’re two people

there’s katze
and there’s :b:atze

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Jgoes boutta tell us to sleep

yeah but when you put it like this it sounds like i have DID

also i’m currently reviewing neut classes for the recent contest and i got to your submission
katze wtf were you thinking when you added de pwetendeww


Dw kat i hate both of your personalities equally <3

reading this classcard is a challenge alright

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I am also technically two people I guess
I would tell you that but it won’t have any effect so…

it’s more complicated than that i’d say

okay so ididn’t know what to name the ability for pretender that had OwO in it

someone pointed it out

so i said “fuck it im going all out”

i love you

you have all of these professional-looking classcards
and then you have DE PWETENDEWW



the funniest part of that classcard imo is the one very serious sounding ability at the bottom

also would you find it hard to believe if i told you i consider myself like, 5x more serious now than i was only a few years ago

Kat are you okay

if you met me in like 2015 you’d agree