Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it’s too late as i’ve played the game extensively irl and in voice
so the flavour is not forgettable

i would like to ask why, but I won’t pry

if you would like to, send me details
if you would rather have the game canned, can it, I have nothing against it

bud i dont know what to tell you, I have seen probably double that of star wars content, doesnt mean people who live in the sands gonna stop me from doing what I enjoy. I get it you love this character. But like dont let fake demons ruin ya life.

I mean I feel bad if I play poorly but that’s true regardless of my alignment

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it’s the same reasoning that applies to why im done with clocktower

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if you want to see how they’re similar for me in that regard, read purgatory ii’s op

I have a problem with an excessive dark flavor like BotF
But not with the demon part especially
The demons are the evils in the game, so I don’t mind it at all

again, it’s different for me because constantine

Most people even when they are exposed to a lot of media of one type can still detatch from it and doesn’t effect them this much

this seems like more of a mental issue than anything else if you are struggling to detach this media from daily things

just please make sure you are okay

DMs always open

idk what that is

it probably compounds w/ depression / adhd / ocd / asperger’s

i explained earlier

in a reply message to cloned

that’s what i’m thinking

please just make sure you are treating yourself well and doing okay

This is a slight bit troubling


i assure you im doing all i can

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i still don’t know what this is
its just a superhero of some kind of comic?
what does that have to do with fm

Well again, if u need to talk to people dm them including me, just be careful bud

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he’s a super-powered comic book hero who is centered around using strong wit / detective skills and powerful occult magic to banish demons back to hell in an attempt to save his own soul from what he did of leading to the damnation of the soul of a little girl when he was younger



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and i’ve spent time reading and watching comics and media about him for around 5,000 hours