Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Adding the color to that must have been hell

Wow u back

It was. It took a really long time to do the formatting.

I feel bad

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and i thought it was bad enough typing out the html to make all my text on the rolecards small, jeez

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I wanted to make sure that the colors corresponded to the name of the ability.
The abilities are also only names from the pallet’s shade names itself too

this is something i’ve been doing in recent games, obviously
smalltexting is my bastard trademark

been back for 2 days now lol

and by mine i mean I took it from manti but don’t tell him that
he doesn’t do it any more so it’s free real estate lul


I like a host who’s not screaming at his players
and still easily gets heared

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see i like it because

> I think this looks cool and is still readable and distinct from the rest of the thread, so I mean.


hello i am icibalus i am the host of this game, arete is a nerd


yes that just about sums it up really

still was a good way to farm likes :^)

relevant fact: some of my best friends performed the fucking evil morty theme in their Music exam for ironic value

they all got top marks

i don’t know who needs to know this but now you know

