Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

being friends with musicians is great

one of my favourite conversations has to be me (a singer, i guess) and a drum player explaining how musical notation works for pianos to a guitarist

i think at one point we tried to come up with new prefixes meaning “half” in order to create the shortest possible note

you should show up for the discord karaoke nights :^)

none of you can hear my voice
it’s too inconsistent even if i’m a decent baritone

come on i was explaining a humourous interaction i had once why did you have to go and ruin it :^)

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then it delved into us memeing about architecture by building the worst possible school

i think we designed it so the Design and Technology department had the power tools in one room and the resources in another, and to get from one to the other you had to walk through the gym while holding a fucking drill

it was funny
you had to be there xD

this is perfect

Are these…


i prefer the term crusaders


they’re just really well armored weebs
you can tell because of their swords

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I thought you’d betrayed your principles.

Is that a banana dragon

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your prize is

wasted anticipation