Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

And here I was waiting for another banana abomination.

“You win a prize!”
“Disappointment. You won disappointment.”


Rate this cat picture.

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Why have I been winning the same prize my whole life.
This game is rigged.


all games are rigged when they don’t want you to win

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game is not rigged
that would imply that there actually is a different prize

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geyde is an anagram of edgy with one extra e

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it’s just edgey
edgy but with poor grammar

Daily reminder that Arete is cute.


ansrete ansrete

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As an EE student, can confirm

Would you happen to know what video this line is from?

I’m not a fucking weeb so no


looks a bit weird

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fixed that for you


This channel is amazing.

ansrete ansrete

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Cease or I’m going to plunder your kneecap stash.

you can’t do this to me

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