Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Royal also has a much better font and cool new mechanics

But the game is overall even easier than Persona 5, which was already only challenging on Merciless (and even then only because of the absurdly grind-inducing 0.4x experience point multiplier), and the final boss and ending aren’t quite as fulfilling

Dilemmas dilemmas

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Oh well it’s 1 AM

Sleep time

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I mean, based on previous conversations in this thread you’ve extended it to … biology … which is not really a humanities field by any stretch of the imagination

It’s much more a bias against your school out of resentment than any particular field
Biology probably came up because im terrible at it. I tend to dislike subjects i suck at. Same reason i dislike theoretical math

… i am slowly becoming one of you crazy cat people

I have a minecraft multiplayer server i just started on
and one of the people built a villager breeder
which proceeded to spawn a cat every 5 mins

long story short I am now the proud owner of 15 minecraft cats


Chloe doesn’t go to my school

that didn’t seem to stop you last time this came up

my descending mental state has caused some aspects of my analyses to devolve
i dont really blame myself

we are the cat people of the FM community as a whole

most people will join a forum and see 1/2 of the people have anime pfps

when people join this forum they see that 1/2 of the people have cat pfps


catgirl marshal
catgirl marshal

I mean

I don’t respond to every conversation involving engineering, including ones I’m not involved with, by talking about how engineering is terrible and awful and how I would never care about any research on any topic that happened to come from a school with an engineering program


this is a threat

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I have joined the cat army once more.

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i think my hatred of your school has seeped into my perspective on most non-engineering disciplines

when i dont really hate them

which is unfortunate, but again because of my depression i dont really blame myself, and i have no idea how to go about reversing that bias

i see you made good on that threat

Cats out.
Weebs out.

Cats in.
Neuts in.
Dogs in.
Weebs in.

so if someone had a grudge against, I don’t know, MIT, for some reason

and the way that they handled this was by talking about how terrible any field vaguely STEM-related was any time anyone brought it up, even if it was in a conversation they weren’t involved in and even if it wasn’t a field that MIT was particularly focused on

would that be reasonable


compiling a list of all people that currently have cat pfps:



That’s… actually not a lot

if i had a penny for every time my pfp was forcefully changed to a catgirl, i’d have two pennies
which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice



but you dont have severe depression that actively warps and damages mental thought processes