Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i’ll try to be more tame
but no promises



I thought it was a crown for some reason


priestess had a cat pfp


ans make this your pfp

you … don’t know that

like I am not going to comment in either direction on whether or not it is true but

that is in fact an assumption you are making

Why not just flat out ignore these conversations if they don’t involve you?
I’m not trying to be rude, I just think it would be a lot more logical and would probably positively impact your (and other’s) mental state if you went ahead whenever this subject is brought up.

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Animals out.

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i have ocd

I cannot express more how much I love this image

teemo is extra cute

ahhhhh I wanna hold a bunch of kitties

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if i see something and i have strong reactions to it, im helpless to react

Animals in.

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speaking of mistaking people’s profile pics
i thought sulit’s was a goat for the longest time
just like
a black goat


its mithras though

your current pfp has 1 animal

that image has 1 animal and 1 deity

overall there is 50% less animal control of the image


cultists out

the assumption that if you have depression, it isn’t possibly comparable to mine in terms of intensity, is an assumption that i am very confident making

where is this image from anyway

is the image from ToL and xblade also a crazy cat person

OwO, Corax, what’s this?

…Fair point. Allow me to remedy that.

Cultists in, you filthy unbelievers. Repent.

wait wtf is this pfp
i see a purple dot

I want to unread this.

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cultists r kinda disgusting im pretty sure corax and mithras dont approve of showers unless they’re bloody

unseen all the way