Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

meanwhile i’m still sad that the Paladin’s god has never gotten an official name

friendy boi

i wanna be frends with that man, he’s not menacing at all

I would make a joke, but it’s a bad joke.
So I will abstain.

In ToL RP I had an AU that it was Marluxion.

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so you admit you cultists do not shower

this is why the unseen are superior we have standards and good hygiene

The Paladin worships non-existent deity, of course it’s not named.
Imagine praying to some nonexistent ‘light’.

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Yes, Anstreim, please! :pleading_face:

Yet the Cultists, too, claim Corax for their own, their Invokers saying that they use His chains to bind nonbelievers. It us the Unseen who throw off the chains of those gods.

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literally @clonedcheese right now

/Assassinate ClonedCheese


the paladin checks for people worshipping evil gods

but cannot find the unseen

because we worship no god but ourselves!

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the paladin’s deity does not meddle in mortal affairs, but they do grant power to any believers

this is exactly why you resort to the corrupt and lackluster power that corax and mithras provides

I guess someone was slacking during that one night before my execution.
There are some that use Corax’s power, but not many – and definitely not enough.

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For a moment I was going to be disappointed in you, but then I remembered that your name is literally Marshal.

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This is a contradiction – like all parts of the ideology of the Blue Dragon, it is built on lies, using false promises to distort the minds of this kingdom’s subjects.

this sounds like something that David Miscavige would say in a sermon, in an attempt to discredit psychiatry
well played

Join the cult of chloe


bro this pic is from october

good times

(fuck scientology)