Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

“Lackluster power” he says, when the Cult is able to Eradicate two people whenever they want.
The Gods provide power to believers as well, but unlike this vapid “light”, they also guide us.

Accept your heresy and join us.

Ew no.

The cult has no gods

it’s 4 losers in a basement with candles playing make-believe


The wat the cult recruits people is asking them to ask their mom if they can go on a playdate

The Cult literally has a bloody altar compared to a small table with an edgy knife stabbed into it

More slander.

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for reference:

please do not compare the unseen to the cult :^)

What if ToL Alch was a faction choosing alch instead of a survivor alch
Would that break the game

probably too complicated

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In my opinion it wouldn’t, and we’ve discussed the concept of it before.
Amelia even made a class card at my request – it was pretty good. The issue would be implementing it.


just make a button, have to choose by EoN1 or ur defaulted to survivor

ok, correction, they don’t directly meddle, unlike corax and mithras

they stay where all deities reside unlike mithas and corax who actually send a fraction of themselves to earth

yeah it’s a good concept but it would be a pain to implement

and there would probably be a shitty meta around it anyways

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On the flip side it would allow me to become LW at will.
Which would happen 100% of the time.

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i seem to recall that the cult can only eradicate twice before becoming absolutely useless

your gods guide you to nothing but your own demise

right now we have ‘D1 alch, evils be nice :)’

imagine if instead we had ‘D1 alch, siding BD, now I am a free unconvertable Blue Dragon slot who is semi-confirmed in 2-neut games and there’s nothing you can do about it’


Remove bleed immunity from BD-siding Alch.
Problem solved :^)


Has psycho king ever won a game on this site

No. I don’t think there’s even been a PK?

i think there was one once