Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think that if anyone really wants to change it I don’t mind using an alternative

In this community it’s not used in a racial context, but outsiders might possibly think it is?

We should ban mafia
Mafia is a criminal organization

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I’m sad he was banned, his setups were incredible

even an admin said that

I found it hilarious, if yeet doesnt get picked imma be mad.

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We also ban Cults because Cults have negative connotations associated with them

The new evil faction will be the Witches

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he was the guy who hosted so many games on the forum

but yes I endorse yeet as the alternative

:eyes: cults arent that negative
… right?

Depends on the context
But usually Isee them portrayed negatively

…why did I correctly predict that it was Zork who posted it?

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hail mithras

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have you seen some of the things that guy has said it’s not hard

thats that guy that joined with all his friends in JoJo and because no one would play a turbo with em, made them all leave. Jerk

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If FM is the common interest of our cult, who is our cult leader? Arete?

Nah Arete turned on the Cult

I think

I’m pretty sure I’ve played a Zork game

I think FK made me

Hail Mithras

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He’s usually very contrarian in the MU Discord, so yeah.

i haven’t, should i look into this

I mean you can see the public moderation logs
he has a history of this stuff