Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Now how will I ever get my crush to hug me.

I hope you didn’t value your kneecaps much.

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they had the restraining order anyways

for example actually being bitten by insects was barely noticed
but the urge to fucking itch the bites? agony

i think the new title is good


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it’s not good
everyone knows knights don’t exist

Insect bites are the worst. Mosquitoes deserve to perish.

I have eczema I understand your pain

but what about italy

6666th poster good?

Or too edgy

6969th or riot

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@Vulgard sorry for the tone
You are cool, and Im just a bit stressed sorry

fun fact: if you can prove knights are real then italy instantly collapses into a singularity

D: what happened

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nooo don’t worry you didn’t make me feel bad or anything

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this would probably be a lot better if i understood it but it still sounds pretty lit

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I think it’s about soldiers.