Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i gathered that from the lyric video :eyes:

And it’s related to the night?

i can’t believe you’ve done this

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Italy has been consumed by t h e v o i d? :eyes:

well i know nacht = night

and soldaten = soldier(s)

so yes :eyes:

Donde esta?

one day ill sit down and actually put effort into learning another language

i had to change my pfp for this

i am here

yes i am

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At night the soldiers cry?

Oh thats kat’s main!

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Or something like that.


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Kat pocket me

mercy is like

one of my least played characters


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Mercy is my main too :slight_smile:

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wow my small amount of german knowledge is worth something

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Fuck mercy

Roadhog >>>