Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

when it was spoken in clocktower voice games on discord, it was pronounced air-eh-teh


I just pronounce it as A-reht, tbh.

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iirc it was Ah-ree-tay

I will never not pronounce it as Ah-reet myself but still


A tree?

They pronounce it like ah-reh-tay

i personally prounouce it ah-reh-deh
since that’s how i’ve always pronounced it

same how I pronounce icibalus as ai-see-ball-us while DatBird pronounces it ick-ee-ball-iss

Now comes the fun part

Giving my parents the link

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like this:

Aroot :^)

afeet, got it

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I’ve jokingly said aroot enough times that its hard to not just default to areet


aroot rhymes with noot
it’s the best

i hate it

Mayonaise along with some red chili powder and pepper is probably my condiment of choice for grilled onions

i also probably prefer it to ranch with raw carrots

ive come around on mayonaise to be honest.
at first i really didnt like it from the idea of it, but ive tried it since and i disagree with my prior sentiment.
it just tastes savory, with little to no texture difference, and some dishes really benefit from that

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I strongly dislike mayonnaise

also i’ll post haircut pic (no face) but only if someone else does cuz otherwise i’ll feel bad

I don’t let anyone at my hair
I have only 1 hairdresser I trust enough to allow them to touch my head, she cutted my hair since I was like 3 years old

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