Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I could see why you might need a 1tb SSD
If you play games that are heavily modded (Garry’s Mod, Minecraft, ARK or even Terraria is a possibility now) or happen to like Modern Warfare, Warzone, every single ARK DLC ect.
Or if you are a graphics designer and it so happens that your files (if it’s 3d it’s going to be bulkier) are taking up some space that you’d otherwise use for gaming or smthn
Thankfully I only play one incredibly heavy game. The rest are like… -25gb

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Or if you play games where the developers are incompetent at optimising their code :upside_down_face:

Oh, Fallout is one
Fortnite is one
Basically any AAA game or past AAA game that’s still being modded

p sure this is on my HDD or just uninstalled

on my boot drive because iirc it defaults to your C drive and im too lazy to fix it

which is my 256GB SSD that has almost nothing on it so its not a big deal

i dont think terraria mods will ever be that big size wise

yeah this would be a good reason

i bought it because i got it for like $100 and that was a good deal

mostly bought it for CSGO/Overwatch since i wanted a separate SSD to not install too much on my boot drive

both games which i basically don’t play anymore :eyes:

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God check the cookie thread and I see all this nerd crap

You got a 1TB SSD for $100?
wtf? LOL

It’s not nerd crap, most of it’s common knowledge if you play games tbf

Then again I did have a friend that thought deleting shortcuts off of your desktop uninstalled games and he’s been playing them for years

it was on sale and i had a coupon on best buy :eyes:

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Wasn’t being serious, sry

I didn’t take offence to it; I wanted to tell you that you could probably research the stuff we’re talking about in 30s and join in if you’d like

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Ok I’ll do that

HDD = Hard Disk Drive, basically where there is a CD inside of a plastic casing that spins. It’s really slow and the speed it goes at is measured in RPM (revolutions per minute)
SSD = Solid State Drive, it’s an electronic drive that handles data electronically so it’s much faster but has less storage and is more expensive

how is nerdbins gonna call people nerds anyway

we’re not even arete


And GB is just a unit of measuring for data inside of computers

Stop demolishing me :(


Have you played Escape from Tarkov, katze?

Cheeki breeki


I have helped my friend play it by being his map. It was kinda meh imo from a spectator pov

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it didnt interest me

a few of my close friends play it a lot and keep trying to make me buy it

i don’t think i will buy it but it is slightly tempting, cause i miss playing with them tbh