Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it might take a moment but when you get it
you’ll probably hate me forever


I have EfT
I do not like how I’m on a timer for when I can play the game
It infuriates me
There is this thing called Scavenger and PMC
Scav you get spawned in with stuff and have to get out
PMC you bring in your own stuff and complete quests but you lose everything if you die
Scavenger is on a 20m timer and I don’t have better gear than other people so I’m guaranteed to die as PMC
The game is preventing me from playing whenever I do it once for 20m. It feels like a mobile game :upside_down_face:

i thought it was pretty funny

yeah i know the general gameplay

just go in with shit loot that you don’t care much about and outplay people

TTK in that game is really low, isn’t it?

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My dad has the $120 version of EfT
I do not know how he likes the game that much

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dude all of my fucking friends bought it

and they tell me if i buy the game to buy it and im like



they explained it to me and… they said it makes eveyr wipe easier or some shit

but damn, what nerds

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Oh no wait my currency conversion from Euro > Pound > Dollar is bad
It’s $85 (now)
I’m not sure if it was higher before or it’s just showing decreased price on my profile because I already own the standard edition

i assume you mean this edition, which is still $140 for me

Why would I hate it. Are u giving free silver?

Oh wait yeah it’s decreased the price because I had standard edition
I logged out and now it’s 109.99€ or $127

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How do these developers get that much money off of a glorified mobile game

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iirc they told me its mostly for the stash space + gamma pack

and probably the free items

the gameplay loop is addicting from what ive seen

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Worse part of eft. It’s not on steam dont wanna buy shit off some jank ass launcher

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half the reason i dont want to buy it is because i cant just sell some CS skins or some shit to do it, tbh

Katze, there’s the option to mute someone. It’s not as harsh as a block, but it supresses pings

I got eft from a friend on my birthday a few years ago

Played it like 3 times with him to make him happy
Havent touched it since

it doesnt bother me though

i find it amusing

oh god i hope my friends dont do this to me


and if you guys didn’t you’d say so and I’d stop lmao

this is completely consensual Priestess

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my take: we should replace lynch with a word that also begins with L, if only so that there wont be a separate argument about possibly replacing the acronyms


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my corrector agrees with lunch
but I agree that we should not replace lynch because it is pathetic