Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I do, havent hte past week though

will now with the buff volibear

i watch MSI and Worlds
that’s about it

next time there’s a pas for an event, get it ($15 usd tho)

then just keep buying champ shards using 50 event tokens (if you’re active and complete all the missions you can get like 2k-4k tokens total) and each random champ shard is guaranteed to be a 960+ BE champ shard so that’s ez BE for all the champs you want. you might also get pyke as a shard which makes it ez

not too sure what to think of the game but the music in the trailer is nice and fits with the theme or the trailer i suppose but it only confuses me more on what it’s supposed to be and the actual… gameplay (?) of it

tbf it looks more like an anime or cartoon in this trailer lol

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add me u fuckin cowards

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bruh you’re nozbugz i thought you were some new person lol

you really gotta change your name every 5 seconds xD

sure tho, my ign is Chrysior will add when i get on




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lol i’ve seen that it’s a good vid

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also, i have a friend that is a kat one trick, hes in Plat 1

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I play a lot of champs

Lux support/midlane, Fiora toplane, Vayne ADC, Kayle anything (literally, even jgl or support), Lulu, Yuumi, Ahri, Orianna, Kindred, Pyke

Rip, Ami cant even play with me lol

How come?

Uhh, Ami started this month, i have been playing for like 6 years, am Gold 3, and have Plat MMR

Oh right in ranked? Yeah, that’s not gonna happen soon

Yup lol

@Blizer Are you on NA?

Yup, im in NA

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