Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

who do u play? its been a bit since i have played

with adc i one trick twitch
with top i one trick mord
with jungle i one trick fiddle
with mid i one trick kat
I don’t play support ;p

like deadass I can’t find a good support champ that i like playing

have u tried blitz or thresh. they my faves


fuck dat noise

like pyke looks cool
but im not shilling 10 dollars to get him

if theres anything i will shill 10 usd for its panda teemo

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look at him

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best way to get champs is grind chests, and then try and get their soul or whatever to make em cheaper and buy em with blue

Beemo is better

nuff said.

panda teemo fits my aesthetic more

do you play league by any chance :eyes:

Agreed. I did not like the style of 7, but I think this has some potential.

But seriously
Lol@The game that looks like a Furry Visual Novel for PS5

This looks like bloody Mordecai + Rigby; the Regular Show

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i do

senna’s hella fun and free this week (probably to entice players to buy her high noon skin soon tbh lol) so you can try her out

she’s like a pseudo adc as supp

Regular Show always confused me.
Wtf was the plot.

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No idea, but I always hated Rigby.
I’m a mordecai stan.


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