Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I’m on realm Kazzak

I only use it for world quests but even then my disc nearly does the same amount of damage but guarantees I won’t die

I’m on Twisting Nether but I’ve basically given up on getting manifesto after the guild stopped raiding. So I’m mostly playing the AH now.

you have to post rick rolls when people expect it the least

Okay kat and itsly
Moets have our ownxonversation
Theyre being nerss

that’s kinda sad honestly

i almost understood this

chloe please

chloe are you okay

Idk anymore

Im trying

is your name chloe or is it not chloe

“lets have our own conversation, they’re being nerds”

i can read chloe

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Yeah. It’s more disc does too much damage for a healer than Shadow does too little damage but it’s still sad

Its chleb

Also Kyo/Vul have you done Vision meta achievement yet?

Ily kat

I haven’t. I was trying to get Servant of N’Zoth achieve done but I died 4/10s way through.

you MMO nerds should play the best MMORPG, OSRS :sunglasses:

i don’t think so
like i said i’m relatively new to playing this game a tad more seriously but
i’m probably gonna get there eventually i’m not tryharding i wanna enjoy myself

we’re no strangers to love