Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

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(I gave up on school work because it’s boring, tedious, useless and unecessary since they can’t grade it anyway and they’re not allowed to still give work a week before the exams so time for MC.)

get real


china is on volunteer only.



Was this against Japan and Manchuko?

vs japan and manchuko

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didn’t say it wasn’t, but i really enjoy a good mystery to be solved or a less predictable plot which this movie lacked

really? i honestly kind of expected it or if they wen that route, maybe a darker ending (and less satisfying tbh)

i do wish maybe they could’ve shown snippets of what happened in the other realities as a post credits kind of thing idk maybe it would’ve been interesting

could learn more about the science/technology, more about the people instead of (mwahaha slightly disabled doctor who wants fame/money/power), more about the captain, more about his relationship with his father, more about goodwin, maybe add a little dypotian politics in there? something like that

pretty much every non mc outside of christina and goodwin had 0 character development and even they had little at best
(spoiler talking abt the char development)

like what, goodwin was in the air force or smth and christina is basically in love with the mc ok but we don’t actually learn much or anything about them

oops missed this but idk if they could but i wouldn’t mind watching a longer film for a more cohesive world and characters
it doesn’t have to be much but i didn’t feel any emotion at all for any characters outside of mc/christina/goodwin like they were all “meh boring as fuck”

Well… it is a scifi action thriller, and not a mystery movie. So I suppose I understand it if you wished for a more complex plot.

This one, I 100% agree with.

The tech is a McGuffin.
The captain had already his brief moment with his father before the shutdown.
Dystopian politics is irrelevant to the story.

I agree about the lack of depth of the doctor, and the craving for more depth of Goodwin though.

I don’t know. It is a 90 minutes film and that duration seems normal to me. 120 minutes would’ve been better, but I don’t know if they can manage it with their budget.

The side-characters are shallow in general, but I see it as good since I don’t exactly want to know every side-character’s story. (Otherwise it’d derail the story as a whole.)

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Hey we got jackbox and weird shit eevee is going to show us come join us in war room. If u dont know what that is, check Amis profile.

BGO is also planned

Im supposed to organize this, I need to get people

or mine :cry:


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*looks at name of server*
No thank you. I do not want to go to any place related to the thing which banned caused people on I42 to advice hosts to not use a certain word.



