Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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you remember that one time raiden sliced a metal gear in half?

update: someone is really unfunny and decided to ruin jackbox

i need this for science purposes


i got 6 likes from quoting a /in post

dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu dybu dabu



i quoted dybu dabu joining hell in a cell and got 6 likes
that’s stonks

Wait, what happened

someone thought they were real funny and kept joining jackbox with 2 accounts meaning we couldn’t play

and we don’t know who it is

who has access to the jackbox server

sometimes I write things

occasionally I write things where people have names

I am bad at giving people names

if you would like to solve this problem by having me give them your name (does not have to be your Real Actual Name) feel free to let me know (n.b.: while it doesn’t have to be your real actual name, you will probably have more success if it sounds plausibly name-y than if you’re like ‘how about DatBird’)

use process of elimination here

Have we ever considered the possibility of a bot scanning for every jackbox games and it happened to pick this
Or is there evidence to suggest this was targeted

hi im chloe

and chleb

and robert

they kept changing their name to memes that a bot wouldn’t know

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