Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Not very hard.

ayyy they added the crowd chanting

gets points for realism and hype

Did you like cactus boi’s specialty?

hell yea those 3 pointers are lit lol


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ok so match is over

expected the cliche last second comeback and brief emotional “ope goodbye second persona forever” so there was some sort of loss even tho i dont relaly understand it cause i haven’t seen the anime but i can kind of infer (and also read the wiki lol)

hm, i do wish the opponents’ characters were explored more and i get why they didn’t explore the “good guys” cause they expected us to watch the anime

movie is pretty much over so i’ll rate it a 7/10 cause i watched it whch means it was good enough to entertain and powers r cool to watch i guess but there were a lot of lacking details and other parts and too many immersion breaking/unrealistic stuff

would prefer it if the movie explored more or added something to the anime cause it ultimately seems it has no consequence (which screams cash grab) and didn’t really explore any new concepts and was very shallow. i would’ve bumped up the score a bit higher if there were more cool camera shots and animation but there really wasn’t so that’s why i simply cannot give it anything higher than a 7 - siimply not enough good parts to make up for the bad. it’s just a generic sports movie but more cringe

maybe if i had seen the anime i would’ve rated it higher but i havent so

that explains why the 1 week training montage was super short and had no sustenance lol cause they all trained throughout the anime seasons xD

ok so watch ed last 7-10 min of it

basically the transfer leaves to go to america

very dsiappointed there was no closure for the “villains” of this story ugh

also they tried to put emotions into that like it’s not the end of the world yes put emotions but no dont be overly cringe

maybe im just too critical of the ending cause of the previous cringe/mistakes but yea

not a bad film, but not a particularly good one either

i think it depends too much on you actually watching the anime for it to be fully enjoyable

I mean, it’s basically an extra (canonically after the anime ends) where they all play together as a team again.

eh, i didn’t know anything about the anime but the wiki and information inferred was enough to get a general grasp of the idea of the movie

i get that it’d have more impact for ppl who watched the anime but hinging entirely on that does not seem like the best idea to make a great movie

it’s fine, but only that

if it had a more significant impact that’d make me enjoy it a lot more too i think cause it really just ended up feeling like a cash grab (at least it wasn’t a bad one)

also it’s good that hte series didn’t depend on this movie doing really well or whatever (i think) like steven universe did that franchise kinda went down the drain ouch

meme time


this story tho

That sounds like a light novel title lmao.


Have you watched A Silent Voice yet? I heard it’s really good. It’s really emotional though.

It’s a fine movie

Like 7/10

Some neat visual tricks but not anything super special imo

Watch this and try guessing who the wolves are. Shouldn’t be super hard unless I just got lucky.

Also involves basically modkills.

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just looking at the image


Why not?

anime :unamused:

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