Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I think King in FoL is actually pretty fun but then again, I never rolled one.
I guess we should ask the King expert Napoleon.

Just roll Lord in SFoL 62

alignment not guaranteed to be favorable

new SS is cool

i wish it didnt get redchecked N1 becuase i want to see how it actually plays out


Deb is probably the best pick you can get imo.
Flat out occupy isn’t that great.

So basically just be a Warlock

Got it

But seriously

Bus drive isn’t great on a LW and occ is probably just worse than deb

What do you think my favorite Noot will be?

Probably the SS equivalent with a conditional dayvig


Like a mix of Sellsword and Headhunter?

But Amelia.
Upgraded Strigoi.


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That one is one of my favorites

But who doesn’t love a dayvig :eyes:

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I forgot, does 62 have Arbiter as NK?

It has been rebranded as the Imperialist

because I didn’t want to dry out the meme

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it was one of the most fun roles, as I had dumby obvious tells so I just led the court. Then drunk killed me for somereason

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are you sure this drunk wasn’t a butler!invoker

I’m assuming killer got debbed into the Bird.

Disagreement on how abilities working on king. Hence why we have the nice :crown: symbol on cards