Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


are there actually people who have this


uh also something something PG-13 forum something something

My favorite band is Cold Driven
It’s… not what anyone would expect from me I guess

np, tell me what songs u enjoy or dont enjoy and i’ll try to find similar songs in my playlist for u

Arete we are past this already

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personally i hate most of the genres u just listed

movie music is alright, tho it doesn’t make for particularly appealing 100 time loops so i do enjoy it casually

what movie music?

Like scores? Or soundtracks?

but with a significant other you can share the more intimate parts or just spend time with them more and it’s generally 1 on 1 more

yes, i suppose it is similar to a friendship but a significant other is just one step above that so it’s sort of natural it’d be similar ?

Everything from Immediate Music

Like this one

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Trailer music I guess?

Like… there are some other really good trailer music producers, like Two Steps From Hell or X Ray Dog
But Immediate Music is simply better, very powerful and epic while yet relaxing, with its orchestra and pseudo latin chores
I listened to everything of it
And I often end up recognizing it in movies later

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Alan Silvestri >>>

And Michael Giacchino

Those are my two favorite film composers

look at this terrible graph

it’s amusingly bad


The hell why would you use these colors for the years
Just use the colors for the cities, that would be the most logical I guess

Also… what about starting with 0 on the y-axis
And mentioning the used unit

Wait… or is this a percentage?
Why would you use a graph for percentage, just use a circular diagram instead

they are using the wrong graph to actually map this I think

Hi ara

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The Meg was a bad, but somewhat enjoyable movie.

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