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is this the reason why it took you so long to win a game

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Reminds me of when I yoloshot Alice with a 5% chance to hit and only could kill her if my class was of a certain classtype
I hit
she died
she was scum.

Or maybe that time I guarded the scum killer from a Duelist’s Mittelhau
The same night the Duke (Prince) got converted
Granting the evils access to jail exes
And I cost the town the game

That was “fun” :^)


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i think virtuous is a worthy successor to RotBD now

Which makes me happy
Pug would be proud

enforcers don’t exist

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Statiistics show that if there are 17 random Unseen slots an Enforcer is likely to roll

How does this make you feel Italy

I just remembered that a starting Knight is possible in SFoL 63, this is exactly what Italy wants

I just spent an hour browsing through the whole history of thread titles on this forum

I’ve attended a total of eight different schools while this forum has existed. Wow

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granted, for a good part of this forum’s existence, i was attending 4-5 schools at the same time, but eh

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I dont think I understand your definition of school

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it was a network of community colleges across the city
I was attending multiple of them plus high school at the same time, commuting between multiple institutions each day
then i attended more of them at the same time the year after HS while i was finishing my associate’s. Usually during these periods i was commuting at least twice as much per day as i was in class


You have multiple universities in the same city?? Also you count that as school?
Me confused

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They werent universities, they were community colleges

They were all a part of the same city system, but certain courses were only offered at certain locations which is why I usually had to commute between multiple locations on opposite sides of the city every day

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Also the first year while i was still in high school, I only could do evening and saturday classes of course

What is the difference between a college and an university?
And… having multiple buildings in the city, isnt that completely normal and count as the same college?

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Er, let me explain

In US, there are different terms:

  1. University: Institution where all professors have Ph. D’s and must do lots of research in addition to lecturing. Students usually live on campus.
  2. College: A sub-department of a university. For example, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Humanities, College of Computing, etc.
  3. Community College: Institution where students cannot live on campus and must commute. Also, only offers programs for the first two years of undergraduate. No for the second two years or graduate programs; you have to transfer to a university to complete the undergraduate degree. Also, professors only lecture and do not research. Also, usually tenured professors may have Ph. D’s, but you can teach with Ph. D or master’s degree. Also, there are much more adjunct (Part-time, no benefits, kind of like contractors) professors than there are at universities.

Usually at a university, when this happens, the different buildings are within walking distance. In my case, it was always 1-2 hours+ on the bus and subway between each location. They were quite literally on opposite extremes of the city geographically. Also, each location had its own registrar, financial aid, etc. And even though classes taken at all of them counted towards the degree, most students tended to attend just one, and the one where you got the most credit hours would issue the degree.

Oh yeah
At community colleges, there is much more in-class lecture time and exams are weighted much less of the course grade than at universities. Community colleges are also have much cheaper tuition, as one might expect, but they’re usually the antithesis of a community as they have no extracurriculars or cocurriculars, most students work while attending classes, never hang out outside of class, and usually you’ll only ever have 1-2 classes with any person there ever

a degree from a community college doesn’t do much on its own, but it can be a stepping stone to a great university in the U.S. if you want to save some money and/or didn’t do great in high school and want a second chance. If you apply to a university as a transfer student here, almost all of them do not care about your high school grades or any achievements; just your college coursework and grades.