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the extreme increase in rigor between community college and university can be tough to manage for some people though (like me)

liberal arts colleges are like. also a thing™.

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ah yes i forgot
(dont mean to diss them some of them are p good)
tiny schools with no engineering or sports just arent my kind of thing

  1. Liberal arts college: School much smaller than a university that has less departments, students can live on campus. all professors have Ph. D’s and do research and does full undergraduate and sometimes graduate degrees (but more leaned in emphasis on undegraduate than universities). Some are incredibly good at what they focus on, but like i said, much much smaller than the size of a university, also never has notable sports or engineering

i think that’s it?

In the US very rarely the word “college” can also refer to the name of a sub-divided residential community within a university
But that’s much more common in the UK

in the UK the word “college” can also refer to a very prestigious and old high school.

it’s a word that’s used in such vastly different ways over here. I know it’s confusing lol

did someone say liberal

arete no politics on the forums you know better :^)


Just to explain my confusion, we don’t have colleges over here, only universities.
In my university I had to pay no fee, the campus was scattered over the whole city, including dorms (where you have your own flat, usually you share 1 toilet room between 2 flats, and sharing kitchens and living rooms) and mensas (for eating good but cheap food). You spend there 3 years for bachelor (+2 years for master if needed). Usually you have to be at least 18+, since before being allowed to university you have to spend 13 years in school, starting at age of 6.

Here, considering all expenses, university usually costs somewhere between $20,000 and $70,000 per year

Many universities are starting to become luxury brands in U.S. tbh.

Some universities are like this here, in more modest towns, where the university is the entire city / town. This is sometimes referred to as “campus towns”

However, in very large urban hub cities, if there are universities there, each one must be secluded to a small portion of the overall city.

Here it is 4 years for bachelor
1 year for master if you do same field at the same university
2-3 years for master if you do same field at a different university
4 years for master if you do different field

Also usually 5-6 years for Ph. D, which you can do after master or after bachelor if you are very skilled

Ok to be fair, I had to pay like 100 € to university per semester, but we got a free ticket for all public transportation systems in the whole county in return, so in the end you have spend way less money than you gave.
Also you dont have to worry about the money you need for living expenses, you can get it from the state, and often have to pay only a small part of it back later.

Here usually it is 13 years of school starting at age 5 1/2 or so, but there are probably more opportunities to skip grades in this country in some areas, so there can be people younger than 18 (and occasionally younger than 17 too) starting at university fairly consistently.

The cheapest kind of thing here is community college. Where I went I also got a free transit pass, but it was $2,000 per semester lol. Also the transit pass was only for the city

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you’ll usually never see any university semester under $10k here, unless you are really skilled at something, academically or otherwise, and got some sort of really rare and lucrative scholarship.

American university

is super expensive

which is why i’m going to become a professional FM player


I been walking to the dumpster and back carrying stuff and I really don’t want to stop now

I just like walking, it’s kind of like an addiction to just walk and think about other stuff, even though my legs are starting to hurt

Side note: Unlike in most of europe, there are some very powerful forces in the U.S. that are trying to ensure that the public transit here remains really really bad (and just doesn’t exist for the most part outside of really large urban hubs) so that more people will just pour money into the auto industry, use highways, and drive

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One day I’ll start a business that monopolizes itself on forum mafia :wowee:

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