Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Dude i was literally just thinking about making some hot wings and buffalo wings later this week

They really are awesome


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Not that big of a fan of fried food

I cook basically everything in my cast iron skillet

Imagine being able to cook

Cannot relate

I’ve gotten better about not burning the toast at least

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I did try to buy an air fryer from a japanese vendor last year, but they stole my money and then i kind of realized i dont really like the taste of fried food

If im going to eat something with a really high amount of saturated fat, I’d rather it be something i baked that used butter

It depends on the food for me

I can’t stand some french fries but I love fried chicken

im also somewhat overweight so i should not be eating fried food period

fair enough then

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No french fries?
I absolutely love the taste of the french fries my sister makes

she also makes pizza by her own
Fast food is so less scary when it’s well… not actually fast

i want a new sister


you’re dead to me

i see you’ve failed the sister selection test

I’ll see what I can do about it

I like oreos

I’ll eat seasoned french fries

I just don’t like unseasoned fries

The trader joe’s brand of oreos with the chocolate filling is much better than actual oreos.

oreos + water = mmmmm

okay this isnt much of a ta–